Local Extremas and Nesterov Accelerated Gradient

Python. To find a global minimum for a selected function, I compared brute force sweeping with Nesterov Accelerated Gradient (NAG)optimisation technique. By applying a small deltaX increments, I obtained local extremas in the range of […]

Arc Length by Simpson’s Rule

C++. I applied Simpson’s rule to the integral in the arc length formula to get an approximate length of a quadratic equation curve. To do that, I applied Simpson rule by  sweeping small increments on […]

Curve Point Distribution

Python.  This implementation’s purpose is to distribute a desired number of points on the curve by equal path distance to each other. To do that, I applied an adaptable unit length strategy while trying to […]

Latitude Point Distribution

C++. This is for symmetrical distribution of points in each latitude on a sphere. As an input, different number of points for each latitude can be assigned. Top and bottom coordinates, of course, are the […]

Top Cut of Convex Hull

C++. I developed an algorithm based on “three penny algorithm” to find the top cut of a convex hull for dense circle shaped data. It takes the most left point as an entry point like Jarvis’s […]