Curve Point Distribution

This implementation’s purpose is to distribute a desired number of points on the curve by equal path distance to each other. To do that, I applied an adaptable unit length strategy while trying to keep the segment length error percent is less than 1% by sweeping small increments on x axis . Later on, I will work on some improvements to reduce errors.

Here, I chose the curve function y = 2x^3 – x + 1 within [-1, 1] range by 20 points and 0.001 delta_x:

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

class Point:
    def __init__(self, _x, _y):
        self.x = _x
        self.y = _y

def function(x):
    # Taking quadratic function y = 2x^3 - x + 1 as an example
    return 2 * x**3 - x + 1

def integrand(x):
    return np.sqrt(36 * x**4 - 12 * x**2 + 2)

def curve_Length(a, b):    
    curveLength, _ = quad(integrand, a, b)    
    return curveLength

def calculate_Curve_Points(numPoints, deltaX, a, b):
    curvePointCoordinates = []
    # First point as a reference start (lower bound)
    x = a
    y = function(x)
    curvePointCoordinates.append(Point(x, y))
    # Sweeping from lower bound to upper bound to get x axis value
    # First and last point calculations are excluded
    for k in range(numPoints - 1):
        delta_x = deltaX
        lowerBound = curvePointCoordinates[k].x
        # Adaptable unit length after each error margin
        unitLength = curve_Length(lowerBound, b) / (numPoints - 1 - k)

        while True:           
            upperBound = lowerBound + delta_x            
            segmentLength = curve_Length(lowerBound, upperBound)
            # Error percentage
            error = 100 * abs(unitLength - segmentLength) / unitLength
            if error <= 0.1 or segmentLength >= unitLength:
                x = upperBound
                y = function(x)
                curvePointCoordinates.append(Point(x, y))
                print("The error of segment", k+1,":", round(error, 2), "%")
            delta_x += deltaX
    # Last point
    x = b
    y = function(x)
    curvePointCoordinates.append(Point(x, y))   
    # Extract x and y coordinates from curve_point_coordinates
    x_coords = [point.x for point in curvePointCoordinates]
    y_coords = [point.y for point in curvePointCoordinates]

    # Plot the curve
    plt.plot(x_coords, y_coords, marker='o', linestyle='-', color='b')
    plt.title('Curve Point Distribution')
    plt.xlabel('y = 2x^3 - x + 1', color='r')
    plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')  # Set equal aspect ratio
if __name__ == "__main__":
    numPoints = 20
    deltaX = 0.001
    a = -1.0  # lower bound
    b = 1.0   # upper bound
    calculate_Curve_Points(numPoints, deltaX, a, b)


[1] Arc Length Formula

[2] Desmos calculator