Spectrum Analyser

  Key Features: Done with JUCE framework by using filter processor duplicator (IIR filter, juce::dsp::ProcessorDuplicator) Balanced log-linear spectrum, audio waveform, peak and RMS level meters Volume and low-high-band pass filters (with 0.707 Q value) for […]

Interactive Multi-State Engine

  Key Features: Done with FMOD API, diagram shows class dependency and interactive class state structure State containers and segments can be set by order, loop, and randomness Interactive music class is an open nested […]

Audio Analyser

  Key Features: Done with JUCE framework by using filter processor duplicator (IIR filter, juce::dsp::ProcessorDuplicator) Audio thumbnail, linear spectrum and stereo correlation windows, peak and RMS level meters Volume, low pass filter, and stereo width […]

Arc Length by Simpson’s Rule

I applied Simpson’s rule to the integral in the arc length formula to get an approximate length of a quadratic equation curve. To do that, I applied Simpson rule by  sweeping small increments on x […]

Latitude Point Distribution

This is for symmetrical distribution of points in each latitude on a sphere. As an input, different number of points for each latitude can be assigned. Top and bottom coordinates, of course, are the easy […]

Top Cut of Convex Hull

I developed an algorithm based on “three penny algorithm” to find the top cut of a convex hull for dense circle shaped data. It takes the most left point as an entry point like Jarvis’s […]