Spectrum Analyser

  Key Features: Done with JUCE framework by using filter processor duplicator (IIR filter, juce::dsp::ProcessorDuplicator) Balanced log-linear spectrum, audio waveform, peak and RMS level meters Volume and low-high-band pass filters (with 0.707 Q value) for […]

Interactive Multi-State Engine

  Key Features: Done with FMOD API, diagram shows class dependency and interactive class state structure State containers and segments can be set by order, loop, and randomness Interactive music class is an open nested […]

Audio Analyser

  Key Features: Done with JUCE framework by using filter processor duplicator (IIR filter, juce::dsp::ProcessorDuplicator) Audio thumbnail, linear spectrum and stereo correlation windows, peak and RMS level meters Volume, low pass filter, and stereo width […]

Second Order Butterworth Filter

The Laplace transform and z-transform are mathematical ways of breaking an impulse response into sinusoids and decaying exponentials. This is done by expressing the system’s characteristics as one complex polynomial divided by another complex polynomial. […]

Experimental Schroeder Reverb

It is an experimental Schroeder reverberator implementation. I applied three combo filters and then two all pass filters without any buffer. Reverb tail was added to the end of input signal in a simple way, […]

Recursive Moving Average Filter

I implemented the recursive moving point average filter to clean background noise of test some audio files. It basically works in time domain. That’s way, it is more faster than FFT algorithms when we keep […]

Analysing Attack Times

I used the spectrogram to detect attack times in a single line melody by shaping signal’s power graph. It works better with only slow passages in which the notes are separable from each other. I […]

Parabolic Peak Interpolation

I applied interpolation technique to the spectral peak based on fundamental frequency after FFT was taken. It is basically to find a better estimation of the peak by using the max spectral bin (of fundamental), […]

Hamming, Blackman, and Blackman-Harris

This is my implementation for some of windows used in audio applications. I chose Hamming, Blackman, and Blackman-Harris window functions. Instead of using FFT pack, I directly applied DFT since the DFT size is not […]

Discrete Fourier Transform

This is my DFT implementation to test a wav file. It only accepts mono wav files with 44100 Hz sample rate. I used 32 floating point (with max 23 mantissa) in the range -1 and […]

Interactive Music with Wwise

I made an interactive music demonstration for video games by using Wwise. I composed 11 music segments for 3 different game states. To synchronise two states, I used the same tempo and chord progression. It […]